We dropped Aeroplane’s reMix of our second favourite Giorgio Moroder song, From Here To Eternity (MB Disco having already released a reMix package of our favourite, E=mc², great minds an all…), last week. Now the single is out in the wild take a listen to the released other killer tune, a reworking of the song from Belgium’s finest ATTAR!.
ATTAR!’s take on the tune is pretty different from Vito’s. Vintage analog Disco abounds, slickly combined with a summery Tropical vibe. The track is actually a big of a schizophrenic beast, at times the Island percussion and chimed lead are total sunshine Indie-Electro, and at other times these big SynthWave chords power in morphing the tune into a dark Electro growler, and then there’s moments of pure House. Maybe in lesser hands this would have been a confused mess, but the many facets of the track are so skilfully handled by ATTAR! that strange bedfellows sound perfectly suited to one another. Just wait for the soaring solo to kick in. ATTAR! has done an amazing job here, creating a reMix both danceable and rousing. And, yes, it’s that picture of Moroder again, what?
♫ Giorgio Moroder – From Here To Eternity (ATTAR! reMix)
Giorgio Moroder Vs. MB Disco: From Here To Eternity is out now.
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